Merit Badges
Merit badges are awards that encourage Scouts to explore exciting skills and subjects that spark their interest. By earning merit badges, Scouts learn all about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers.
There are more than 135 merit badges
Scouts get to choose for themselves which badges they earn
Once a Scout begins to work on his Star, Life and Eagle ranks, he will need to begin earning specifically required merit badges
The Merit Badge Process
Pick a subject
The Scout discusses his interest in a merit badge with the Scoutmaster.
The Advancement Coordinator and Scoutmaster provide a “blue card” and at least one counselor contact.
2. Contact the Counselor
The Scout picks a buddy to attend meetings with. This can be a parent or another registered adult.
The Scout, his buddy and the counselor meet (often several times).
3. Complete the Requirements
The counselor approves completion of the requirements.
The Scout returns the signed “blue card” to the Scoutmaster.
The Advancement Coordinator reports the merit badge to the Council.
4. The Merit Badge is Awarded
The Scout receives his newly earned Merit Badge as soon as possible.
Merit badge Counselors
The Merit Badge Counselor introduces scouts to an exciting topic about which they themselves are passionate and knowledgable.
Merit Badge Counselor Requirements:
Be an individual of good character
Be age 18 or older
Have the skills and education in the subject being taught
Be approved by the local council (including youth protection training)
Become a Troop 12 Merit Badge Counselor!
For an easy step-by-step guide on becoming a Troop 12 Merit Badge Counselor, follow this link: